

Simply Awesome Natural Flavored Sugars & Salts!

Ultimate Baker has been coloring foods since 2004. At the heart of our company, is our proprietary coloring system built around the use of real fruit and vegetable based colorants to which we have now added the best in all-natural flavoring. We do not use synthetics or preservatives in any of our products or formulations, and work extensively to create natural colors and flavors which are vibrant and fit directly into the process for which they have been designed.

We currently offer a growing range of flavored products: from flavored cocktail sugar rimmers, salts, and glitters, to popcorn salt, cotton candy sugars and many more. In our sugars alone we already offer over 20 different flavors and growing. Contact us today for additional flavor options.

Apple Banana Birthday Cake Blueberry Cappuccino
Cinnamon Carrot Cake Coconut Cola Lime
Caramel Egg Nog Gingerbread Bubble Gum Raspberry
Lemon Peppermint Strawberry Mocha Pumpkin Pie
Pina Colada Marshmallow Orange Watermelon White Chocolate


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